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师承李苦禅、王雪涛、郭味蕖、田世光,中国国家画院研究员,中国美术家协会会员,李可染画院研究员,中国画学会创会理事,北京观复美术院院长。作品《国色天香》被中南海珍藏,《松鹰图》被作为国礼赠送金日成主席,作品巜竹韵曲》在参加美术馆巜百年中国画展》后被中国美术馆收藏,1997年应邀担任《97香港回归中国書画大奖赛》评委,2001年应中国民委邀请担任巜全国少数民族绘画大展》评委,2005年作品《竹韵曲》特邀参加第十二届当代中国花鸟画展 並获中国花鸟画杰出贡献奖,作品《醉蝶》、《莲塘赋》分别于1990年、2018年两次被中共中央对外联络部礼宾局选为中国共产党与各国政党党际交往新年贺年卡画面,多次去香港 台湾美国 法国日本 倝国 印尼等国参加当代艺术及中国画高峰论谈及交流展《南岛情》获海南国际水墨画大展金奖。

Qiu Jimu, born in 1943, graduated from the Chinese painting department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, under the tutelage of Li Kuchan, Wang Xuetao, Guo Weiqu, Tian Shiguang. He is a researcher of the Chinese National Academy of Painting, a member of the Chinese Artists Association, a researcher of the Li Keran Academy of Painting, a director of the Chinese Painting Association, and the president of the Beijing Guanfu Academy of Fine Arts. Works were "very beautiful" zhongnanhai, the loose intergraph was used as a country gift giving President Kim il sung, works 巜 bamboo melody in the gallery 巜 Chinese painting exhibition "in one hundred by the Chinese art gallery, 1997 was invited as the 97 Hong Kong's return to Chinese calligraphy competition judges, 2001 at the invitation of the Chinese ethnic affairs as 巜 national minority nationality paintings exhibition", In 2005, his work Bamboo Charm was specially invited to the 12th Contemporary Chinese Flower and Bird Painting Exhibition and won the Outstanding Contribution Award of Chinese Flower and Bird Painting. His works Drunk Butterfly and Ode to Lotus Pond were respectively selected by the Protocol Bureau of International Department of the CPC Central Committee as New Year greeting card pictures for inter-party exchanges between the CPC and political parties of various countries in 1990 and 2018. He has been to Hong Kong, Taiwan, the United States, France, Japan, Earth, Indonesia and other countries for many times to participate in the exchange exhibition of contemporary art and the peak theory of Chinese painting. "The Affair of South Island" won the gold medal in Hainan International Ink Painting Exhibition.